Who We Are


We have been visiting Westport for many years and are so happy to finally become part of the amazing community that has welcome us with open arms.


Our Story

Coming to Westport has been an adventure for our family since the kids were very young. We come year round and now have a place to call our own. We were honored when the opportunity to take over the kite shop presented itself. We know many people visit year after year and love to purchase their garden spinner or kite as a souvenir from their trip and we are excited to continue to help their memories last forever.

The name Hookers and Blow came as an homage to our fishing boat, The REEL HOOKER and the existing Kite shop. We know it might be a unique name but we assure you we are a very family friendly business. In fact, you will often see our young children in the shop sharing their favorite fishing jigs or garden spinners! And if its really windy, they might even be flying a kite out front.

We have an amazing staff member named Shannon! She is local to Westport and a breath of fresh air! Be sure to stop in and say hello! She is happy to help you find the prefect kite, garden spinner and or fishing jigs!

We hope to see you soon and are excited to be expanding the kite shop to include more advanced as well as basic kites along side of the Slow Pitch Jigging supplies and equipment. Please feel free to contact us with any questions at the email listed below.